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Shishito Peppers (OS)

$3.00 $2.69

0.25 lbs 0.25 lb

Shishi Togarashi
"Lion Head Pepper"
Mild or Hot?
9 Out of 10 Mild, 1 Packs Heat
Sold by the 1/4 pound
Certified Organic

130 left

Shishito peppers are wildly popular, linguistically confusing, and easy to cook.
Heavily wrinkled fruits are thin walled, mild (no heat, typically) when green and slightly sweet when red.
Popular in Japan where its thin walls make it particularly suitable for tempura.
Also very good roasted, in stir fries, or sautés.
In Asia, fruits are always cooked green but they also may be used red.
Thinly sliced, the red fruits are excellent in salads and coleslaw.
Three Creeks Produce

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