Missed Pick up Procedure Policy
Yellowbird Foodshed can only guarantee veggies/add-ons/store orders during the time slot under each location. If you miss pick up feel free to reach out to your location as soon as possible to see if they still have your share, but keep in mind most locations will donate items upon closing due to lack of refrigeration/space. You are still responsible to pay for the items you do not pick up. Yellowbird Foodshed cannot guarantee items beyond the day and time of each locations' delivery window so please be sure to pick up on time!
If you are picking up from one of our truck parking lot pick-ups you will have 4 opportunities to pick up your share on your assigned day, PLUS the opportunity to pick up Saturday at 4501 North High Street Columbus OH 43214 (right off of High Street behind Chipotle) from 10am-1pm. After Saturday you will not have any more options for pick up for that week so please make sure you have all of your items before leaving! Unclaimed items from Saturday's pick-up will be donated.