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Copia Farm Local Pastured Brown Eggs Dozen (CASE)

$119.75 $107.17

These eggs are the REAL DEAL, the Gold Standard (check out the yolks!)
Copia Farm is run as an Ecosystem
Clean Air - Healthy Soil
Happy Animals
Pasture-Raised, Non-GMO
You are shaping the world by supporting food raised the right way, locally

Copia Farm

Food is so important. 

It provides us with the nutrition that builds our bodies, and it shapes the landscape that forms our earth. 

Years ago,  we started looking into how our food was produced, and what we found shocked us.  Almost all food produced is grown for productivity and profit, not for human or soil health.  In fact, if humans continue this current agricultural trend, the planet won't have any soil left!  

So,  for the next decade we studied every aspect of food, agriculture, and soil health we could. 

We learned that when you put animals back on the pasture and move them, you can heal the earth.

You can also produce nutrient dense food for humans, all while giving the animals the best lives possible.

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