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Red Beets

$4.45 $3.95


Fresh Beets
Come dig these roots!
Organically grown using sustainable farming techniques
Sold by the Bunch

47 left

These red beets are colorful and full of flavor, they are also rich in antioxidants, folic acid, potassium, and fiber. They contain unique antioxidants called betalains, which are currently being studied as a potential weapon in the fight against cancer. Betalains give beets their red color.

Most people notice that beets have an “earthy” taste, which isn’t far off the mark. Beets contain a substance called geosmin, which is responsible for the "fresh soil" scent in your garden following rain. Humans are quite sensitive to geosmin, even in very low doses.

These beets are grown using organic farming methods without the use of gmo-seed, pesticides, or inorganic fertilizers.
Perfect for canning, pickling, roasting, and any other kitchen projects you have!

Reuben Hershberger - Hardin Creek Farm

Reuben Hershberger Farms is an Amish Farm that uses farming techniques that were passed down by their Swiss and German ancestors but with a twist. Utilizing horse drawn implements as his forbearers did, he also employs contemporary practices such as avoiding the use of pesticides, crop rotation, and the use of manure to fertilize the land and keep the soil healthy. g edge organic farming philosophies and practices. 

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