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Turkeyfoot Original Quark Cheese

$5.99 $4.99

4 oz.

Classic Quark
For Cooking, For Spreading
Pastured Cows Goats

3 left

Quark is a fresh, soft, white cheese is prepared from pasteurized cow's milk with a small amount of rennet added to achieve a good, firm curd. It is a moist, snowy white in color with a subtle taste and smooth & soft texture like cream cheese. 

These cows get plenty of sunshine and play-time! Pastured and raised just as nature intended.

Ingredients: Pasteurized Cow Milk, Culture, Rennet

Turkeyfoot Creek Creamery

We make our fresh, ripened, and aged goat cheeses by hand, right here where we live, using only the milk of our own herd. This is a way of life in which the land, the animals, and the cheese manage us. Fortune has given us a sense of who we are in relation to a place and the wildness around us, respect for the animals that demand and give us so much, and for the exacting craft of cheese making.

Our artisan cheeses are produced in our state-of-the-art, certified facility in Wauseon, Ohio. We pride ourselves in being aware of our “foot print” on the environment, and always embrace sustainable practices …on the farm, for our goats, for our business and for our employees.

At Turkeyfoot Creek Creamery, we take pride in knowing that every drop of milk that goes into our cheese is derived from the natural forages that our goats enjoy on our farm.  Our cheeses are farm fresh products that are hormone free and perservative free!

One taste will convince you that our products are different. Many people consider Turkeyfoot Creek Creamery artisan cheese to be the best tasting they’ve ever tried.

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