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Shagbark Heirloom Popcorn


1 lb

Non-GMO Hierloom Popcorn
The Official Popcorn of Athena Cinema
Large Fluffy Pops, Fun Doesn't Stop!

18 left

A favorite among Shagbark fans in Athens and Columbus. Enjoyed by movie-goers at The Athena Cinema. The popcorn pops large and fluffy and eats with a satisfying crunch. Full hearty pop-corn flavor.

Grown without chemicals using horse-drawn equipment at the Hershberger Family Farms in Morgan County, Ohio.

Shagbark Seed & Mill

Shagbark Seed & Mill has been offering Ohio-grown, Certified Organic dry beans and freshly milled grains since 2010. Not only are we creating markets for our family farm partners with restaurants, schools, bakeries, and home kitchens throughout our region, we are changing the face of milled products–a change you can taste! We offer the freshest products available because we mill to order every week in Athens! Our partnerships with local bakeries and tortillerias help produce Shagbark's 100% Spelt Pasta, Fresh Corn Tortillas, Original Tortilla Chips, Black Bean & Corn Tortilla Chips, and Cornbread Crackers.

And Shagbark’s milling and seed-cleaning hub is Certified Organic (by OEFFA). Farming under Organic Certification means active crop rotations, no petro-chemicals, no GMO seeds, and agricultural practices that build soil, support healthy ecosystems, and protect water.

We also offer rock-bottom pricing to school and community food access programs and sponsor the Ohio Paw Paw Festival, the Nelsonville Music Festival, local camps, summer art programs, coal town tours, and activists in our region.

The results? Strong communities, clean water, healthy soil, good company, and great eating! Ready to join the Staple Food Revolution? Join us and try all of Shagbark's products!

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