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Gala Apples


Must Order: 2

Gala Apples
Crisp, Juicy, Full of Vitamin C
Sold in 2lb Increments
Priced by the Pound

Apple purists tend to dismiss supermarket varieties like Gala as bland and boring, often with good reason.
However it has to be said that if you want a reliable sweet easy-eating apple, Gala is actually hard to beat.
It is also important to compare "apples to apples" - a locally-picked specialist variety in a farmers market is inevitably going to taste better than a supermarket Gala which has traveled from another country.
However, anyone fortunate enough to have tried a Gala straight from the tree will know that it has a surprisingly punchy sweet flavor, not found in supermarket specimens.
In freshly-picked examples the sweetness typical of Gala has a pear-like quality.
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