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Ungraded Sweet Potatoes (CASE)


25 lb. Case

Oddly Shaped
Some Large - Some Small
25 lb. Case

Sweet potatoes are nutritious and delicious root vegetables.
The sweet potato is creamy and soft enough to be an ingredient in several pie recipes, and most people think of the vegetable as merely a dessert ingredient.
However, scientists have found that sweet potatoes are among the best sources of Vitamin A.
Sweet potatoes are also naturally packed with vitamin B5, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, and carotenoids due to their naturally orange color.
The sweet potato, also known as the Ipomoea batatas, not only contains many nutrients, but it is also packed with medicinal benefits.
Scientists have determined that sweet potatoes contain anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anticancer properties.

Health Benefits of the Humble Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes help prevent Vitamin A deficiency
Sweet potatoes can also help manage diabetes
Sweet potatoes can help manage stress levels
Sweet potatoes contain anti-inflammatory activity
Sweet potatoes can help protect/prevent/manage cancer
Sweet potatoes can help guard against ulcers
Sweet potatoes can help in minimizing the risk of cardiovascular diseases
Sweet potatoes contain antimicrobial properties
Sweet potatoes can help improve hair and skin
Sweet potatoes are good for digestion
Sweet potatoes can help in regulating blood pressure
Sweet potatoes are important for good vision
Sweet potatoes can help in weight management
Sweet potatoes are also memory-enhancing foods

Want to know more? https://www.jenreviews.com/sweet-potatoes/
Three Creeks Produce

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