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Glass Rooster Cannery Garlic Basil Marinara

$8.99 $7.49

Yellowbird collaborated with Glass Rooster Cannery to produce this one of a kind marinara sauce with local tomatoes. 

All of Glass Rooster's canned products are created with products grown on our farm/locally to ensure high quality. We know you will enjoy the rich, unique flavor!

tomato, garlic, basil, olive oil, salt, pepper

Glass Rooster Cannery

A sustainable farm and licensed cannery, bringing simpler days back to life one event at a time.

We strive to be a green and sustainable business with a focus on eating local. We aim to bring communities together to create a cleaner and healthier future with a combination of traditional and modern methods. Learn more about how we increase awareness and stay environmentally friendly.

We keep as much of our business practices locally sourced as possible. This means growing our own fruits and vegetables or getting them through local farmers. In 2015, we received a Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) grant that allowed us to begin a program in which we take leftover "ugly" fruits and vegetables from local farmers and create a value-added product of which we give a percentage back to the farmer and the rest goes on our shelves. We received a second grant to expand the program in 2021.  In 2021, we saved over 30,000 lbs. of ugly fruit from the compost bin and expanded the line of products for local farmers.

We want to leave as little a footprint on the environment as possible. Everything we do reflects the concept of being a responsible inhabitant of our planet. We reuse materials in artwork such as our wine bottle glass house, bottle cap art, and yard ornaments made from plates and bowls. All parts of fruits and vegetables that can be are used and the little food waste that is left goes into our compost to help provide nutrients for future crops. Waste that is no longer functional or usable as art is recycled.

We want to leave as little a footprint on the environment as possible. Everything we do reflects the concept of being a responsible inhabitant of our planet. We reuse materials in artwork such as our wine bottle glass house, bottle cap art, and yard ornaments made from plates and bowls. All parts of fruits and vegetables that can be are used and the little food waste that is left goes into our compost to help provide nutrients for future crops. Waste that is no longer functional or usable as art is recycled.

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