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Fort Findlay Organic Fair Trade Colombian Coffee



Fair Trade and Organic Certified
Premium, Flavorful, Co-Op Produced
Silky-Smooth Body with Notes of Almond and Chocolate
Finishing with Citrus Hint

Our fair trade and organic Colombian Sierra Nevada coffee has a silky smooth body with notes of almond and chocolate, and a hint of citrus at the finish. This best selling fair trade Colombian coffee is very flavorful and has more unique cupping characteristics than a basic grade Colombian coffee. The USDA Organic and Fair Trade Certifications also ensure that this Colombian coffee was grown, harvested and bought with the utmost care and responsibility.

Cupping Notes: creamy, milk chocolate, almond
Roast Body: Bold
Roast Level: Medium
Certifications: USDA Organic, Fair Trade Certified
Caffeine Level: Caffeinated
Single Origin: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
The co-ops that produce coffee from the Sierra Nevada region of Colombia were created to unite local farming families in the area and to help eliminate the competitive farming practices that previously drove the regional market.
Fort Findlay Coffee and Doughnut Shoppe

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