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Divine Living Room Spray Earth Connection

$7.50 $4.00

This spray contains DL's essential oil blend called Earth Connection, which consists of Cedarwood Atlas, Spruce White, Fir Needle, Ylang Ylang I, Patchouli, Tangerine, and Frankincense oils.

"With an earth minerally scent, this spray is grounding, elevating, stimulating and emotionally balancing. It is calming and soothing to the nerves. These oils help to dispel anger, frustration, anxiety, depression, and poor self-esteem. It also stimulates circulation, clears mental cobwebs, balances the equilibrium, and enhances relationships.

It is known to increase self-control, giving a   feeling of - “I can do it.”  It helps to assists in feeling safe to set goals and dreams and then gives us strength and courage to manifest them in our lives."

Besides the previously listed essential oils, it includes filtered water and alcohol.

Divine Living

Our goal is to provide high quality organic foods and products to help people live healthier and happier lives thus spreading the Divine Light of Love, Joy, and Peace throughout the world for those who accept it

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