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Snowville Creamery Plain Yogurt 2%

$5.99 $3.15

Snowville Creamery's 6% butterfat plain yogurt is cold concentrated by a microfiltration system which removes water but keeps all the milk's goodness.


Rich cream gives it a naturally smooth and pleasing texture that couples with the high protein concentrated milk to give your yogurt a wonderfully thick body while still retaining the full complement of both whey and casein proteins present in cow's milk.

Snowville Creamery

Our "Better" Philosophy

Better for the Cows. Better for the Planet. Better for You.

Better for the Cows
We source milk from small local farms grazing cows on their natural diet of grass and non-GMO feeds and forage, using no artificial hormones or antibiotics. Grass grazing improves cows' health and physical fitness.

Better for the Planet

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Our farmers practice regenerative and sustainable farming. Grass grazing uses less energy, protects water and builds soil, which retains carbon and reduces air pollution.

Better for You
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Grass grazed dairy has increased levels of Omega 3 fatty acids and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), essential to human health. These fatty acids are not produced in the human body, so they must be consumed daily.



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