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Silver Bridge Mothman Blend
12 oz
Blend of Two Strong African Roasts
Silverbridge Legendary Flavor
All-Natural, Chemical Free!
Chances are you've heard the legend of the Mothman. Silver Bridge developed this blend in honor of that legend. This coffee is not for the faint-hearted. It is a rich and intense combination of two African coffees that creates a bold, rich, full-bodied brew.
Silver Bridge Coffee Co.
Silver Bridge imports the finest Fair Trade and organic coffee from all over the world. Freshness is key to optimal coffee flavor, so Silver Bridge goes from roaster to coffee cup in the shortest amount of time. Handwritten roast dates are on the back of every bag.
Silver Bridge carefully chooses select Arabica Beans. They roast in small batches and produce a line of popular specialty blends including (614) Blend and Buckeye Breakfast Buzz, and cutting-edge flavored coffees that use the most natural flavoring system available. Silver Bridge Coffees are sold at 100+ major grocery stores throughout Ohio including Kroger, Giant Eagle and Whole Foods, as well as in independent grocery stores, coffee shops, restaurants and bakeries. Silver Bridge supports local farming and has a regular booth at area farmers markets.
Silver Bridge is the first company in Ohio to offer 100% recyclable Single Serve Kups.