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Liege Belgian Waffles Pearl Sugar

$7.99 $7.60

The perfect on-the-go breakfast. These waffles are baked and bagged fresh so you can enjoy them without heating if you're in a hurry! If heating is desired, pop into the toaster or microwave for a fluffy treat. Since butter is used over oil, these waffles will keep in the pantry without refrigeration for more than a week, not that you won't eat them by then! Proudly made from scratch in Hillard, Ohio.

Pearl sugar is a product of refined white sugar that doesn't melt during the baking process so you get a sweet crunch in every bite! 

Ingredients: Flour, cane sugar, butter, milk, eggs, baking powder, salt.

Five waffles per pack. Try all the available flavors!

Waffle Hub

Born in Belgium and moved to the United States in 1996, Ben started a construction business and during the holidays he would give out his family's Liege Waffle as a gift.  

The reaction was overwhelming with people wanting more.  After a few years giving them out, more and more people were telling Ben to start selling them so they could enjoy them throughout the year and not just during the Holidays.  

After being endowed with the recipe for his famed Liege waffle, Ben founded Waffle Hub in 2017

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