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Honey Bee Acres Raw Buckwheat Honey (8 oz)
8 oz
Raw Buckwheat Honey Harvested in Mount Vernon and the Surrounding Area ONLY
Exclusively, Exquisitely Local - Hives Visible from our Warehouse
Pure, Healthy & Nutritious
Jeff Gabric, the President of the Knox County Beekeepers Association, collects honey throughout the season, and creates his own blend of flavors that occur over the course of the various flowerings. Like wine, no two seasons are the same. He is like a discerning, discriminating vintner crafting a vintage. Now curated honey is here for you to enjoy.
Buckwheat honey is similar to molasses in taste and is commonly used to make gingerbread cookies in France.
It is sought after for it's health benefits; the darker the honey, the higher the buckwheat content that it contains.
Buckwheat honey is similar to molasses in taste and is commonly used to make gingerbread cookies in France.
It is sought after for it's health benefits; the darker the honey, the higher the buckwheat content that it contains.
Honey Bee Acres
We are crazy about bees
We currently manage about 50 colonies in Knox County and sell raw honey and 100% beeswax candles.
Varietal Honey
You may not realize that not all honey is created equal. We normally have many varieties to choose from which comes from different floral sources. Black Locust, Tulip Poplar, Clover, Wildflower, and Buckwheat to name a few.
Come Taste the Difference
You can try a sample of any of our honeys and see for yourself. We only sell raw honey straight from the hive and lightly filtered.