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Honey Bee Acres Creamed Honey Raspberry

$6.99 $6.55


Spreadable Honey with Raspberry Pizazz
Controlled Crystallization

Spreadable Honey with Raspberry Pizazz
Creamed honey is honey that has been processed to control crystallization. Creamed honey contains a large number of small crystals, which prevent the formation of larger crystals that can occur in unprocessed honey. The processing also produces honey with a smooth spreadable consistency.

Harvested in Mount Vernon and the Surrounding Area ONLY
Exclusively, Exquisitely Local - Hives Visible from our Warehouse!

10 oz

Honey Bee Acres

We are crazy about bees

We currently manage about 50 colonies in Knox County and sell raw honey and 100% beeswax candles.

Varietal Honey

You may not realize that not all honey is created equal.  We normally have many varieties to choose from which comes from different floral sources.  Black Locust, Tulip Poplar, Clover, Wildflower, and Buckwheat to name a few.

Come Taste the Difference

You can try a sample of any of our honeys and see for yourself.  We only sell raw honey straight from the hive and lightly filtered.



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