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Green Leaf Cabbage (OS)

$3.49 $2.59

Cabbage - Very Versatile and Beneficial
  • Anti-Inflammatory - contains glutamine, which is a strong anti-inflammatory. 
  • Eye Health - a great source of beta-carotene
  • Strong Bones & Teeth - brassica crops are rich in minerals, chief among them calcium, magnesium and potassium
  • Better Concentration & Memory - vitamin K and anthocyanins known to boost your concentration
  • Beautiful Skin & Hair - high in vitamin E and sulfur, which can prevent the signs of early aging and enhance our ability to recover from infections and rashes
  • Immune System Booster & Cancer Fighter - as with other members of the brassica family, cabbage is filled with a number of cancer-fighting and immune boosting compounds.
  • Gut Health - good for digestion and as sauerkraut helps build and maintain gut microbiome balance

Wayward Seed Farm

Welcome to Wayward Seed Farm, a certified organic farm with a passion for providing fresh heritage and heirloom vegetables to the people of Central Ohio. Wayward Seed was founded in the late spring of 2006 as a farm-to-restaurant project on one acre in Sandusky County, where we grew over 100 different varietals of food in an attempt to find the best products for Central Ohio chefs.

In addition to serving restaurants, we soon saw a real need in the community for a direct connection between consumers searching for honestly grown produce and the farms that provide it. And so began our CSA program, which is now the anchor of our farming operation. Today, Wayward Seed is based in Central Ohio, farming land in both Madison and Union counties.


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