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Farm Food Flexi-Box

Price dependent on items selected. Actual price will be reflected in the cart.


Customizable Produce Box
Price Adjusts with Your Selection
Choose Your Preferred
Fresh, Local, Seasonal Produce
40 Varieties of Veggies & Fruits Available
Add, Subtract, Double-Up
LIMITED Quantity of 100 Boxes Weekly
Add to Cart, Customize There
Further Instructions in Description

 Farm Food Flexi-Box is a
Customizable Produce Box

A convenient way to enjoy personally preferred fresh produce
Customers have an Assortment of 40 Items to Select from and have several Configuration Options:
- Order "As Is" for the weekly hand crafted default share
- Remove Items - Prices Rise and Fall Depending on Selected Contents (Lower Limit = $25 Minimum)
- Swap and Substitute to Create Your Very Own Farm Food Share - Your Choice of Products and Price Point

Limited to 100 Boxes per Week

Yellowbird Brand

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